The beginnings
Founded in early 2021 by sisters Ashley and Sarah, (the 'Strong Sistas') Angel Acres has been built from the soil up, fueled by a passion for health and regenerative agriculture. As health-focused, first generation farmers, we are on a mission to create a food system where the food supports our health and metabolisms.
We started with just a few egg layers and we were NOT happy with the feed options out there (all containing high PUFA ingredients) - so we made our own! Determined to lower the PUFA content of our eggs, like how our ancestors used to eat them before mass overproduction of soy!
The Original Team!

Ashley manages a lot of the bigger picture items here at the farm, like the grazing plan, farm expansion, product development and is also responsible for rotating the lamb and layer chickens on a regular basis. She is our lamb shepherdess, crazy chicken lady and head honcho!

Sarah is our main goat milker, and manages The Red Barns, our wedding and events barn where you can stay when you visit the farm! She has a collection of 'pets' around the farm, too, like more exotic chickens and friendly ducks. She is also head of customer service (if you've called us, you've probably spoken with Sarah!) and is the one coordinating orders and answering emails!

Aka the "pig daddy", Brandon is leading our ventures into pastured, corn and soy free pork and chicken. Brandon is rotating our Meishan pigs through the forest as we build up our drove! He is also leading our "tree range" meat bird project and is the main construction and 'fixer upper' guy here. He has built our mobile milking station for the goats, mobile feeding stations for the chickens, led the chicken coop construction, and built our awesome new shipping building!
We are now an egg club!
Eggs produced on our farm, and our partnership of small-scale regenerative farms, all with the same standards:
- Our custom low PUFA corn & soy free feed
- Meat & organ scraps
- Needle-free (no vaccines, antibiotics or hormones)
- Mobile-pasture raised
- 2000 birds or less per farm
Our custom-made feed is delivered to our partner farms, so the eggs produced on our farm and on our partner farms are identical.
Why do we have partner farms? Because we need to produce more eggs that are better for human health!
Since we believe in regenerative agriculture and working with Mother Nature - we must keep our egg flock sizes small.
Too big of a flock EGGspansion at the original farm (Angel Acres) would lead to soil destruction and we would turn into a confinement barn - no one wants that!
And large barns require vaccinations and heavy pharmaceutical interventions (which we do NOT believe in)
Keeping a small flock size at our farms ensures 1) we can raise healthy chickens without diseases (and no vaccines, antibiotics, or hormones), and 2) we can have healthy soil with luscious grasses and bugs (leading to a more nutritious and diverse diet for the chickens).