Nourish Cooperative Membership

We're transitioning to a Private Member Association (PMA) format, meaning, we are no longer selling as "Angel Acres Farm" but instead, as "Nourish Cooperative", a PMA. 
Nourish Cooperative, LLC is the name we've chosen to represent our community (you all), as within a PMA, members who purchase from the farm(s) are the "community" and are making the personal decision to source foods directly from the farm(s). 
You can read more about & join the Nourish Cooperative PMA here.
We are making this transition for 2 main reasons. First being that it protects both the consumer and the farmer (us) from the regulations in place regarding the sale of foods in the United States
When operating as a PMA, we are allowed to deliver our products to the community members who choose to purchase them. We are not selling to the public, only our community (you!)
Second, establishing Nourish Cooperative allows us to expand our line-up of farm-to-consumer goods, meaning, we can finally provide you fresh, organic raw goats milk, and soon 100% grass-fed lamb, beef, corn & soy free pastured pork and chicken, and fresh, organic A2A2 raw cows milk and other dairy products (amongst other items!) 
How awesome is that?! We're extremely excited to expand our offerings, but the first step is to establish our PMA ("Nourish Cooperative") in order to do so legally.
As we move forward, new products will only be available to members of Nourish Cooperative, a PMA. What this means is that we will require all existing subscribers to "join" our cooperative community in order to purchase other farm fresh items in the future. 
Nourish Cooperative will require will have a yearly fee of $35 (which is required, in order to "buy in" to the community), but that will not be set up until we move over our website to a different platform that allows for this feature.
For now, this limited offer of raw goats milk boxes is available simply after joining the PMA (no cost today).

Please email us at with any questions!